
Adult ADHD & Autism Assessment Services Sussex

Comprehensive Independent Assessment and Diagnosis

Assessment and Diagnosis

We conduct assessment and diagnostic report services for adults over the age of 16 years to identify attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD, attention deficit disorder (ADD) and autistic spectrum conditions (ASC).


What is ADHD?


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) also known as hyperkinetic disorder is a condition that affects children and adolescents as well as adults. It may also be known as ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder, though this terminology is somewhat outdated and no longer in common usage.


Common symptoms of ADHD include:


• Poor attention span or being easily distracted

• Restlessness, constant fidgeting or hyperactivity

• Impulsiveness


ADHD occurs in people regardless of intellectual ability. It is often accompanied by sleep difficulties and anxiety.Whilst children may have great difficulty functioning at school and home, adults with ADHD may have problems with organisational skills, managing time efficiently and goal setting. This condition can have a significant impact on employment, interpersonal relationships, self-esteem and confidence. It also frequently underpins addictive behaviour. Symptoms of ADHD often improve with age, however, many adults will continue to experience problems. It is our opinion that ADHD may actually be more prevalent in the adult population than previously estimated.


The Assessment Process


Advances in recognising and treating ADHD has come a long way. There is no single test that can definitively diagnose this condition. We believe that talking with the person themselves as well as family members may be the effective way to make an accurate assessment and diagnosis. We look closely at areas such as mood, behaviour and daily functioning to determine ADHD signs and symptoms.


The ADHD assessment process includes the following:


• Gaining an understanding of the person's health and developmental history

• Establishing individual and family health history

• Reviewing an adult’s work history and functioning

• Clinical assessment using standardized behavioural rating scales or questionnaires

• Evaluation of the person's academic, social, and emotional functioning

• Psycho-educational assessment or psychological testing

• Other tests such as physical examination, hearing, vision, blood tests, thyroid may be required.

• Sometimes testing brain wave activity with an encephalograph, CT scan or MRI may be requested to identify brain abnormalities.


Why is Expert Advice Important?


Despite the widespread prevalence of ADHD, the importance of finding accurate information about the condition cannot be underestimated. Those with undiagnosed adult ADHD may suffer highly chaotic lives, frequently struggling with difficulties such as fatigue, depression, addictions, and in certain areas such as education and organisational skills. Thorough assessment is important not only to identify the problems described above, but also how troublesome they are. Talking over the options with us allows you to explore the advantages and disadvantages of both medication and psychotherapy, which may be used on their own or together. Having a happy, successful life involves more than learning to manage symptoms, it means helping you to find success and confidence in relationships, work and leisure activities. Certain issues may persist from childhood into adulthood, such as interacting with others, planning and staying motivated in the face of setbacks.


The good news is that treatment can go a long way toward ensuring that ADHD is managed effectively and that life comes first with the condition taking a back seat. Finding the right specialist who is able to understand the various signs and symptoms, who is able to ensure the right treatment and above all help you to lead a happier and more productive life, is important. That is why we want you to call us to have a chat and see if we can help you.



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